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The Beginning and The End
I’m at that tentative stage. The exciting. mystifying stage of beginning a new novel. I dread what’s to come. The struggle to put...
Pathways to The Betrayal
Tomorrow I’ll stand at a train station, metaphorically speaking, and wave goodbye to a cast of characters who overstayed their welcome by...
The Long Road to The Betrayal
Four years ago I started writing a new novel. Six months from start to finish, I said to myself as I sat on a sunny apartment balcony in...
Stolen Child Launches in the US
Today is special – a launch day for one of my novels – Stolen Child. It was published some years ago in the UK and is now about to be...
The ABC of Being in Love – and Staying that Way
It’s that time of year again―hearts and roses and true-blue declarations of enduring love. Valentine’s Day is a bright red splash in a...
Freeing the Birds
Today is launch day for my book Fragile Lies. It’s a strange feeling to watch a book go out into the world. It’s like opening the door...
The Night My First Grandchild Was Born
I had the privilege of being present at the birth of my first grandchild. Even now, ten years later, the memory still moves me profoundly...
Under My Bed – New Fundraiser for Barnardos
What was under your bed when you were a child? A discarded teddy, comics, old records, tapes, CD’s, a doll with a broken arm, a...
The Christmas Vigil
The Christmas Vigil A dedication to anyone who has waited too long for their partner to come home from the annual Christmas party....
Another Danish Invasion
Reports in the media suggest that Irish bacon is not what it appears to be and retailers are telling porkies to their customers. and some...
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